Have you heard of these home cleaning gadgets before?
When it comes to home cleaning gadgets, there are way too many on the market! However, how can we tell which ones can truly make our lives easier and which ones are just pointless gimmicks? You are in luck because we have scoured the market for you and brought you some suggestions that are truly going to make your life easier instead of more complicated.
As we get older, it is normal that we will not be able to be as mobile as we once were, and when it comes to home cleaning gadgets, they are going to help us to both keep our homes clean while also aiding us in being as independent as possible since all hard cleaning tasks will be made much easier.
When taking a look at home cleaning gadgets, we have to pay attention to both the latest technologies and the more traditional items that can be just as helpful even if they are not considered technological advances. The key to a home cleaning gadget is to make your work easier by helping you in any way possible, and believe us when we say that these ones are life-changing!
Keep on reading to discover the best cleaning gadgets for your home, and let us know in the comments if you have one of them already or if we helped you realize you need one of them in your life!

1. Robot Vacuum
One of the best home cleaning gadgets ever invented has to be robot vacuums! Not only are they useful for any household in order to keep it clean and crumb- and dust-free, but they are especially useful when it comes to seniors investing in one.
These smart vacuums will map your home and then start vacuuming whenever you program them to: once a day, twice or thrice a week, or four times a month. You are in charge of customizing this! They are extremely easy to use; they connect to your smartphone, and more often than not, the only thing you will have to clean is the dustbin inside it. If you choose to vacuum only once a week, it probably only needs emptying once a month!
This home cleaning gadget is amazing since you can get one that is slim enough to get under furniture (such as elevated couches and under bookcases if there is enough room) and eliminate the need to log around after you with a big, bulky vacuum. It will keep your house clean and up-kept in terms of daily cleaning, and you will sometimes forget it is even in the room with you since they are definitely way more silent than the traditional vacuum.
2. Automatic stationary vacuum
If you do not see the need to invest in a home cleaning gadget like the robot vacuum, this other one may be more up your alley. When we sweep the floors, it can be challenging to keep bending over to gather all the dust and debris in the dustpan, especially if you suffer from some sort of mobility or health issue. This is where the stationary vacuum comes in. It is one of these home cleaning gadgets that help you eliminate most of the bending over that is involved in this task.
How this item works is that you sweep the floors as normal, and then you bring over the dirt, hair, and dust in front of the vacuum, which uses infrared technology to start up when it senses the dirt there and sucks it up immediately. It only needs to be plugged in, and the only bending you will have to do is empty the vacuum when it gets full!
3. Extendable duster
You may not think of this home-cleaning gadget as something too special; you may even associate it with a gimmick, but believe us, it can make all the difference when it comes to helping seniors keep their homes clean. No one likes to dust the home, especially now when the dust seems to be coming out of nowhere and we have to dust more often due to the pollution in the air.
Reaching up, down, and around the home, especially to get dust bunnies near the ceiling, is a challenging task, which also includes potentially having to go up a ladder or bend down near a baseboard. With one of these extendable dusters, you will be able to reach all of these spaces and make dusting your home weekly a more fun and accessible task, regardless of age and mobility!

4. Mechanic stool
This one may be one of the weird home cleaning gadgets on our list since such a small stool does not seem like it would be useful when it comes to cleaning the home. However, if you think about it, it can become one of the most traditional home cleaning gadgets that are going to make a huge difference.
When you are doing your home cleaning, it generally involves a lot of bending over to wipe things, kneeling, or swatting to read over at times, so it can become extremely difficult when you are no longer as agile or mobile due to age or even chronic pain. The best way to combat these issues and still be able to do chores is to invest in a stool that is going to help you sit down and be able to reach these slow surfaces easier and with less strain.
What’s more, this home cleaning gadget is also great because you can also rest and prevent fatigue when doing home chores!
5. Grabber tool
The grabber tool seems like a gimmick until you end up investing in one, and then it becomes indispensable to those who buy it, no matter their age or range of mobility! This is because this home cleaning gadget is going to help you read over and grab things from high places without the aid of a stool or a ladder, which can potentially be dangerous if you are alone or the item you need is even higher than that.
And do not think about this home cleaning gadget as a senior or elderly product; everyone can get one and use it, as it can be used to reach up and down depending on what your needs are.

6. Heavy-duty tiered rolling cart
Cleaning the home can be a hassle when you have to keep moving around with a bucket with all your cleaning supplies and have to carry it around when it could be very heavy. It is easier to have all of them around you in case you need something instead of having to keep going in between the room you are cleaning and your supply closet.
The way you can tackle this issue is to get a rolling cart and make it into your very own home cleaning supply storage. You can roll it from room to room; it helps you keep everything organized, and you can easily see when you run out of a product. It can be a great home cleaning gadget if you wish to upgrade your setup and make your life easier by easing the strain on your body.
And do not think about this as a home cleaning gadget only! Initially, these have been designed for kitchens since they are an easy way to get more storage and you can use them for whatever tasks you need and in whatever ways you may want: have one in the kitchen to help you organize your groceries or have a rolling pantry; turn one into a laundry cart and have everything on hand in one part of your supply closet; and of course, keep all your cleaning equipment.
They are fairly inexpensive if you know where to look for one, and always prioritize a heavy-duty one over those really cutesy ones: they are going to last you longer and you do not have to worry about the weight you put on them!
If you are curious about other gadgets that could help you manage your health, make sure you read our article on the topic here!