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How Can You Tell if Your Smart TV Is Failing?

Your TV has been the focal point of your living room and your faithful friend for over a decade, but now it seems to betray you. It’s no longer delivering that crisp and reliable picture at the same speed it once used to.

If you’re worried that your smart TV is failing, you’re not alone. Flashing, blinking, blurred lines, and other symptoms may indicate your TV is reaching the end of its life. Is it in need of repair, or is it time for you to get a replacement?

What are the signs that your smart TV is failing?

Keep reading to find out!

smart tv is failing
Photo by Kaspars Grinvalds from Shutterstock

1. The picture is blurry

If your smart TV’s picture quality leaves much to be desired and is no longer what it used to be, the device may be knocking at death’s door. The signs usually include a faded, fuzzy, or blurry picture.

This happens frequently because the TV has been placed somewhere in direct sunlight or underneath a harsh source of lighting for a long period of time. This lighting can blur the picture, resulting in a low-resolution image.

Another thing that can affect your smart TV’s picture quality is the backlight failing, making it hard for the device to properly illuminate the screen.

However, another reason why your smart TV is failing could be because of a poor satellite or internet connection that delivers a fuzzy image. So, before purchasing a new TV, make sure your satellite dish is correctly positioned and that your Wi-Fi is secure.

Also, try restarting your smart TV to see if the issue is gone. If the problem persists, it’s a sign your TV is starting to expire.

2. It turns off randomly

It’s quite annoying when you’re in the middle of watching a TV series that recently hooked you, only for the screen to randomly turn off. If this happens, it may be a sign that your smart TV is failing.

But before you start panicking, make sure there’s no other cause for your device’s screen suddenly going black. Check that your TV’s sleep timer mode isn’t activated or, if you’re using an HDMI cable, ensure your computer hasn’t shut off.

Also, don’t forget to check that the power cables are properly plugged in. If your TV is plugged into a power strip, make sure it’s not faulty and plug the device directly into a wall socket.

Keep in mind that your TV can also turn off because of a power outage, but if this happens randomly and frequently, it may be time for you to replace it.

3. Your TV is emitting a crackling sound

Another sign your smart TV is failing is when the device emits a constant buzzing or crackling sound when it’s turned on. Although it isn’t unusual for a TV to make these noises when it’s turned off and on because of temperature changes, your device crackling when it’s on isn’t a good sign.

Before you get rid of your TV and purchase a new one, make sure this weird sound isn’t caused by something else. Ensure the device isn’t placed right next to or beneath an air conditioning unit or a heater. Also, take a look at your TV’s vents to see if there’s any dust trapped there. Don’t drape any soft material over your TV to avoid it overheating.

Check that the device is level and straight. If you’ve just installed a ceiling or wall mount, the crackling noise could show that the TV is askew.

broken tv
Photo by Andrey_Popov from Shutterstock

4. There are color blocks on the screen

Are there big blocks of blue, yellow, pink, and black across your screen? Do they shift yet never quite disappear? Before deciding that your smart TV is failing, try checking all the cables and adjusting them if needed. Consider leaving your device unplugged for about 15 minutes before turning it on again.

If securing the cables and restarting your TV doesn’t fix the issue, it may be a sign your smart TV is failing. While it’s possible to fix the problem, you should know that sometimes having a TV technician repair your device could cost you the same as buying a new one altogether.

There’s also no guarantee that the color blocks won’t come back, and there are most likely additional problems with the internal hardware.

5. There are flashing spots

Concentrated flashing spots on the screen aren’t only distracting and frustrating, but they’re also a hint that your smart TV is failing. These spots may appear randomly around the screen on the same part of the screen and are frequently caused by your projector’s bulbs fading.

If this happens, check that your device’s input source and cables are stable, because loose cables can cause the screen to flash. Also, if you’re using an HDMI cable to connect to a computer, ensure they are both securely attached and in good condition.

Try resetting your smart TV by leaving it unplugged for at least 15 minutes. Plug your device back in and restart it. Also, if you have a smart TV connected to Wi-Fi, ensure that your internet connection is stable.

Once you’ve tried the above suggestions and confirmed that your smart TV is failing, it’s time to consult the warranty policy for a replacement or pull out your wallet and get a new device.

broken tv
Photo by Tero Vesalainen from Shutterstock

6. The sound has either become fuzzy or stopped completely

Another sign that your smart TV is failing is when the sound isn’t what it used to be. Speakers’ sound quality tends to impair over time, especially if you like playing films or music loudly for hours on end.

When your smart TV is failing because of its speakers, you may hear a fuzzy sound, and it could be hard to understand what the voices onscreen are saying. The speakers’ sound level could have also decreased, making you turn up the volume to the max to hear what people onscreen are saying.

Another sign that your smart TV is failing is when the speakers have stopped working entirely. Although a temporary solution would be to connect an external speaker to your TV via Bluetooth or an aux cord, your device’s condition will only continue to deteriorate.

7. The ports are malfunctioning

You’ve unplugged and plugged the HDMI cable into its respective port several times, but the TV simply won’t register the input. As each port randomly stops working, you must accept the fact that your smart TV is failing.

But before that, check that your device is set to the correct input source and verify all of the available ports to see if they are working. Try using a different HDMI cable and see the results. If you don’t have another cable in your house, Amazon has this very affordable option! You should know that one port malfunctioning isn’t really a tragedy, but several ports not working can make using your smart TV very challenging.

You can connect your cables via adapters, but this isn’t a long-term solution. One reason for that is that adapters tend to slow the signal between your TV and input source, which can cause the screen to glitch, disconnect, and go dark.

The second reason is that if one port stops working, chances are that the other working ports will follow. While adapters can be a great quick fix, it’s time to accept the fact that your smart TV is failing.

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